Friday, April 17, 2009

Another surgery

We're going back to Omaha for another surgery today. We all were disappointed to hear that another surgery would be required. Tracy's attitude has been outstanding through all of this. But she's really handled the entire experience very well, so I guess that shouldn't come as a surprise. One thing we can all control through this process is our attitude. So we can make things better on ourselves, or worse. We'll post an update on how things go today.

On another topic, our Relay for Life "Hair Raiser" team is off to a good start. With 98 days left, we are 2nd out of 58 teams. I'm sure that a lot of teams are just getting started, and we have a long way to go as well. We've raised $3,300 so far, but our goal is to raise $10,000. The goal was set high because that's what a goal should be-- possible to attain, but a challenge to get there. And the reward will be worthwhile. One out of three of all of us will get cancer at some point in our lives. We cannot afford not to contribute to cancer research. And boy does it feel good to be fighting back against cancer after everything that we've been through. If you want to donate to the cause, check out my Relay for Life webpage!

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