Monday, March 15, 2010

How's Tracy?

I came back from basketball last night and all of the furniture downstairs had been rearranged.

The "Busy Body" is back. When the oncologist said that they were going to be "aggressive" with their treatment, my natural reaction was "good, let's get this cancer." But what I didn't realize is how long it would take for Tracy to recover. The example I use is hair growth. Just as I takes hair a long time to grow back, it takes the rest of the body just as long.

Yesterday was the best evidence that I have had to date that Tracy is getting back to her old self. We went to the early church service and had lunch at her Mom's house. She walked/ran three or four miles at the gym, cleaned the house for several hours, and rearranged the furniture. My busy body wife is officially back. The most telling sign was her being able to work out without feeling ill or some sort of physical ailment.

I get asked about her all the time. Many people have prayed for us and kept her in their thoughts. It's a long road back. But we are getting there!

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