Monday, December 1, 2008

The Hospital

After making a 15 minute drive that took an eternity, I found a parking spot next to Tracy's car. I ran into the hospital. And I got lost. She had briefly told me how to find her in the doctor's office on second floor, but I must have took a wrong turn somewhere. So I called her back, hoping for directions and any sign in her voice of that would make it all seem less serious.

When I did find her, she told me that she had breast cancer and that she was sorry. I told her she had nothing to be sorry about. It was not long after that that Tracy's doctor at that time came in to explain that the harmless cyst that Tracy had decided to finally have removed turned out to be cancerous after all. The cyst had been sent away for testing only as a formality... or so we thought.

I asked as many questions as I could think of to the doctor that night. Soon, we would drive home together and start notifying loved ones of the news. We had a lot to learn about cancer. And it would be weeks before we would learn more about how extensive the cancer would be.

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