Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Looking Back on 2008

Happy New Year! It's been a very busy time in the Poppe household with work and everything that goes into the holidays. I personally had two weeks off, but spent time working my second job and household projects. I also spent a lot of time preparing for a teacher in-service session that I led today. One thing I am especially happy about is getting the leaves in Tracy's yard raked. Yes, that job was put off for awhile! But we were able to get that accomplished last Saturday before the cold weather came in (actually we finished it in some pretty cold weather). Tracy helped out. We didn't really plan it that way, but she pitched in after she finished vacuuming inside. I was glad to see her get some exercise and some fresh air. She wasn't had much of a chance to do that lately as chemo has definitely taken its tool on her. And then some.

Chemo is some nasty stuff. But it does its job. It saves lives.

2008 was a great year. Yes, as you know, Tracy was diagnosed with cancer. And my usually trouble free house decided to make a liar out of me... we replaced the air conditioning, water heater, garage door opener, garbage disposal. All in one year. And to make things even better, a mirror (wedding gift) that was hung in the kitchen above the range came down one day and almost hit me in the head. I felt it pass by my head right after I closed a cabinet door. While that mirror did miss me, it hit two control knobs on the oven instead. Long story short, the cost of the repair parts needed was absurd. So, the house will be getting a new range installed in a couple weeks! Tracy's always on me to make sure that I close the cabinets, but look where it gets me. It's dangerous closing those cabinet doors... and expensive!

So if you're wondering why 2008 was a great year for me, I guess I'll have to remind you of the one thing that trumps everything else.

I married Tracy.

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